Catherine Elcik is a novelist, short story writer, and essayist. Her short fiction and essays have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Brevity, Carve Magazine, Narrative, and The Boston Globe among others. Her novels, on the other hand, have appeared in…

…an ever growing digital archive on her laptop, though she’s very much looking forward to the day she can revise this sentence to read: Catherine’s debut novel is forthcoming from her soon to be favorite publisher.

Oh, come now.

You didn’t actually expect a writer obsessed with misfits and weirdos to color inside the lines on her about page, did you?

OK, fine, here’s a just-the-facts-ma’am bio:

Catherine Elcik is a short story writer, essayist, and aspiring novelist who lives just outside of Boston with her husband, Mike.

I mean, it gets the job done, but life’s too hard for bios that mirthless, don’t you think?

Let’s try again:

Catherine Elcik is a short story writer, essayist, and aspiring novelist who lives just outside of Boston with her husband, Mike, and an ever-growing jungle of houseplants, most of them named.


Much better.

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